Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cancer patients see a glimmer of light.

According to www.Cancer.gov,  "An in vitro study of the effect of CBD on programmed cell death in breast cancer cell lines found that CBD induced programmed cell death, independent of the CB1, CB2, or vanilloid receptors. CBD inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancercell lines, inducing apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner while having little effect on nontumorigenic, mammary cells."
This is ground breaking discovery as this research could possibly give cancer as well as tumor patients a fighting chance against their illness. As a man who has personally dealt with a sever medical   condition in their immediate  family. It's easy for me to say that this could one day make theses patients treatments much less painful and dreadful as their radiation treatments are now. So with hope and enough scientific research we may one day an see a oh so blissful, cancer free world.   

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