Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cancer patients see a glimmer of light.

According to www.Cancer.gov,  "An in vitro study of the effect of CBD on programmed cell death in breast cancer cell lines found that CBD induced programmed cell death, independent of the CB1, CB2, or vanilloid receptors. CBD inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancercell lines, inducing apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner while having little effect on nontumorigenic, mammary cells."
This is ground breaking discovery as this research could possibly give cancer as well as tumor patients a fighting chance against their illness. As a man who has personally dealt with a sever medical   condition in their immediate  family. It's easy for me to say that this could one day make theses patients treatments much less painful and dreadful as their radiation treatments are now. So with hope and enough scientific research we may one day an see a oh so blissful, cancer free world.   

Ground breaking study!


          The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana regularly or even heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. The new findings surprisingly dismissed the researchers hypothese. Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana and its effects for 30 year stated that,  "We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect." These findings are surprising to say the less.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The D.E.A Breaks In!?

The Drug Enforcement Administration raided two medical marijuana dispensaries in California September 12, 2012. The agency refusing to disclose any details of the raid. The DEA agents served federal search warrants at the Green Heart in both locations. However, documents relating to the warrants and the warrants themselves are sealed in federal court, Rettig said. She couldn't provide a court case number. Owner Gina Munday was notified by her alarm company Wednesday morning, thinking someone had broken in, she said. The DEA officers had kicked in the door, she said.
"They broke all the windows, vandalized the inside of the building and took all of the medicine," Munday said. "We were so surprised."
        This isn't the first time the D.E.A had raided medical marijuana dispensaries and i am sorry to say it probably won't be the last either. Over the course of the last four years over eight hundred medical dispensaries have. 

Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Act


The Kentucky lawmaker Senator Perry Clark  announced in July that he planned to introduce the Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Medical Marijuana Act, named after an attorney and marijuana advocate who died from pneumonia in January. The senator didn't doubt that it was “going to be very, very difficult” to pass the bill in such a conservative state. The bill if passed  would allow those suffering from multiple sclerosis(M.S.), HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other serious medical conditions to use marijuana with a doctor’s approval. These  doctors patients would be allowed to possess up to 5 ounces of marijuana and grow up to five marijuana plants.

Government hold's out information!


 In 1974 a Dr.Heath reported that rhesus monkeys when given the equivalent of 30 Columbain strength joints a day began to atrophy and die after 90 days. (that is 2700 joints, or average 1.25 joints and hour every 24 hours for 90 days straight. When Heath killed the test monkeys and the control monkeys and found dead brain cells in the test monkeys, he concluded that cannabis was responsible for the brain damage. So how did they conduct their experiment you may be asking yourself. Well the reporters for Play Boy as was as NORML ask the same thing... for six years they asked the same thing and were constantly dined or ignored. Once the experiment's details where finally released to the public of how the tests were conducted. Not only were the monkeys given 63 Columbain strength joints in 5 minutes, the smoke was administered through a facial mask with NO ADDITIONAL OXYGEN. As you will find in any CPR or first aid manual 3 to 5 minutes of oxygen deprivation will undoubtedly cause brain damage. The monkeys were suffocated.